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        Assassins’ Code

Writer : Lawrence Riggins, David W. Smith
Director : Lawrence Riggins
Cast :
Produce : 2011
Genres : Thriller
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A hero with a shadowy past... A merciless opponent... A doomsday weapon... When a corporate assassination forces a disbanded military squad to converge on a U.S. city, ruthless spies from three nations struggle to retrieve a high-tech computer disk containing schematics for a powerful missile. To hide from his past sins as a government assassin, former agent Paul Thorn withdrew to an anonymous quiet life. When a dying associate delivers plans for a lethal technological secret a long list of people on both sides of the law struggle to gain control and Thorn is drawn back into the deadly world of international espionage where he is forced to battle North Korean agent Karl Kim, a long-time nemesis whose sense of honor and desire for revenge over shadow his duty to obtain the disk. Serpent Rising is a fast paced action thriller where nothing is as it seems, betrayal is the standard, and lives are expendable.

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