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Writer : Justin Donnelly, Christopher Donaldson (additional material)
Director : Justin Donnelly
Cast :
Produce : 2011
Genres : Action, Crime, Drama
Views : 7 - Download : 0 - User Rating :

Two joyriders Jesse and Sam discover something hidden in the back seat of the car that could change their lives forever. Brian, unknown to Jesse and Sam, is desperately trying to seek a "quick fix" business deal that will put him back on top financially after being let go from his executive position at one of the top investment firms. Brian decides to go "all in", investing the rest of his savings into a short-term drug deal. After Jesse and Sam intercept the illicit drug money, they soon learn that they've stolen from the wrong people. A twisted tale of greed, deceit, murder and wealth, PRESSED is an action-drama feature where three relationships collide. It changes lives, some of them for good.

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