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        The Giver

Writer : Michael Mitnick (screenplay), Robert B. Weide (screenplay), Lois Lowry (book)
Director : Phillip Noyce
Cast :
Produce : 2014
Genres : Drama, Sci-Fi
Views : 119 - Download : 0 - User Rating :

This film, based on Lois Lowry's book, tells the story of a perfect world. Everyone here is happy. When Jonas is 12 years old, he's chosen to be the community's Receiver of Memories. He enters into training with an old man called The Giver. From the Giver, Jonas learns about pain, sadness, war, and all the unhappy truths of the "real" world. He quickly realizes that his community is fake. Confronted with this reality, Jonas faces difficult choices about his own life and his future.

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