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        What If…

Writer : Christoforos Papakaliatis
Director : Christoforos Papakaliatis
Cast :
Produce : 2012
Genres : Drama, Mystery, Romance
Views : 19 - Download : 0 - User Rating :

Athens, Greece, The age of Economic crisis. Demetris is a highly independent man, living a normal life. A confirmed bachelor at the age of 33! When a moment arrives, his choice will change everything. His roommate is a female German Shepherd called Lonesome. One night, Lonesome wants to be taken out. Demetris tries to change her mind but Lonesome insists Its at this moment that he comes to a decision. If Demetris goes out he will meet Christina, the love of his life. If he stays in, he will not meet her. Does true love exist? What is the impact of a severe economic crisis on people and how can the crisis destroy a couple? One story shown from two different angles.

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