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        The Kill Hole

Writer : Mischa Webley
Director : Mischa Webley
Cast :
Produce : 2012
Genres : Action, Thriller, War
Views : 12 - Download : 0 - User Rating :

Lt. Samuel Drake (Chadwick Boseman) is a troubled vet plagued by his actions while deployed in Iraq. Recently discharged, he is trying to piece his life back together while he works as a cab driver and lives in a rundown motel room. He also attends counseling sessions led by Marshall (Billy Zane) to help cope with the horrors of his past. While on this path to a fresh start, Drake's fragile new life is shattered when two executives (Peter Greene and Ted Rooney), who represent a private military contractor, present a new mission, one with no option to refuse; track down and kill Sgt. Devin Carter (Tory Kittles), an AWOL Marine Corps. sniper who knows the truth about Drake's past and who himself is on a mission to target and kill members of the mercenary firm. A gripping, lyrical meditation on war and the scars it leaves on those who fight, The Kill Hole is a story of one man who is forced to face his violent past, and the uneasy bond he forms with the mysterious assassin he must confront in his quest for redemption.

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